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As fate often does, my journey to healthy living came when I was invited to a friends  house for an event where they were sharing information on the many benefits of proper nutrition and the fact that most of us, including myself at the time, are whole food deficient.

Earth shattering news. A well-balanced diet and your overall health are related! 

As simple as that sounds, I was onto something. I had a message to share. I had a  platform. I had my why. I was, from that day forward, on a mission. A mission that  has allowed me to share messages of hope. A calling that has afforded me the most  rewarding experiences of my life. 

What follows are just a few of the testimonials I have received from those who I have  met along the way. These are their stories:

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Lisa Swift introduced my family (including my 95-year-old dad) to the world of Juice Plus+ about 10 years ago, and it has become an essential part of our daily routine along with a healthy diet and exercise. We believe that the addition of Juice Plus+ to our diet has been instrumental in maintaining good health, with very few illnesses over the years. 


During our years with Juice Plus+, Lisa has supported us every step of the way, checking in regularly and providing guidance tailored to our needs.  She truly cares about her clients and their well-being and takes the time to get to know them. Whether it is keeping us informed of health-related events or sharing a recipe for a healthy snack or meal, she stays connected not only as a coach and mentor but as a friend as well, providing the perfect balance of professionalism and friendship in her endorsement of Juice Plus+.


I’m so thankful I met Lisa and gave Juice Plus a try! It really did change my life. I was suffering with joint pain and swelling at the time and had a referral in to see a rheumatologist. My appointment wasn’t for four months so I thought I’d try Juice Plus out in the meantime to see if it would help. I had nothing to lose.


After only ten days of being on the Juice Plus capsules, shakes, and making other dietary and lifestyle changes, my pain and swelling completely disappeared. The rheumatologist appointment four months later revealed positive markers for lupus, but NO inflammation.


Now after a year of Juice Plus, my rheumatologist says there is NO evidence of lupus or inflammation!! Thank you Lisa for all of your help and encouragement!

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Here I am with my best buddies in AZ - Baby Yoda (Grogu) and Juice Plus+.  I am 66 1/2 years old and have been taking Juice Plus for 10 years. I started with 1 supplement a day (Berry, Fruit, Veggie) and now am on 2. I transitioned from Salmon oil to Omega Blend.

I am a true believer in this product and I never forget to take it every day. I have not gotten sick in 10 YEARS! No flu, not a cold - nothing. I believe my immune system is stronger because of this product.

I eat healthy but I can’t eat the amount I used to. So these supplements give me the confidence that I am taking really good care of myself.  My primary care physician says whatever I am doing, keep doing. 

Juice Plus is it!


I have been taking Juice Plus+ for over 10 years. I originally learned about it from my 80 year old aunt who raved how great it made her feel. She always has been the picture of good health and vitality and that was enough to convince me to give it a try.


I really believe in the benefits Juice Plus has added to my overall health and energy levels. I even think it has helped keep my hair and skin in good shape for my age ( 54). My confidence in the brand has also extended to my kids , who love the taste of their Juice Plus+ chewables. This is especially important as my middle and younger son both have Celiac disease.  Eating healthy and keeping a balanced diet is critical for them and the JP’s allow the extra boost they need. And not to mention the peace of mind for me as a mother of boys in college who don’t always eat so healthy. 


I would recommend Juice Plus to everyone. It has been a benefit to myself and my family helping us to maintain better overall health!

Testimonials: Services
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